Indonesia International Agricultural Chemicals, Fertilizer & Pesticide Exhibition
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13.00 – 13.45

Foliar Fertilization as Effective Tool for Sustainability in Plant Nutrition
Mr. Andreas Theisen, Key Account Manager APAC of AGLUKON Spezialdünger GmbH & Co. KG 

13.50 – 14.35

Introducing Resiprene 35 
Mr. Khairun Nasuha of PT. Industri Karet Nusantara

14.40 – 15.25


Stainless Steel Flanges, Fittings and Valves 

Ms. Ranidya Putri Eridha, Marketing Local Development of Peroni Karya Sentra and
Mr. Moh. Afini Fathurrozi, PPIC of Peroni Karya Sentra 


15.30 – 16.15

Agitation for All Industries
Mr. Devang Bhojani, General Manager – Sales of Synergie Alliance Pte Ltd / GMM Pfaudler 

16.20 – 17.05

DITEK Jaya for Your Chemical Analysis
Mr. Yan Wahyu Mulyana, ST., Development Manager of PT DITEK Jaya

11.00 – 11.45

Shell Lubricants Solution in Agriculture
Mr. Shofwatuzzaki, GM Technical of Shell Indonesia
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13.00 – 13.45

JSC NIUIF: Development and implementation of innovative efficient energy-saving and eco-friendly technologies to ensure solution of climate issue 
Dr Andrey Norov, Science and Technology Director of The Research Institute For Fertilizers And Insecto-Fungicides Named After Professor Y. Samoilov» JSC “NIUF” 

13.50 – 14.35

100-year War with Mold (Fungi) in the Manufacturing Industry

Mr. Hans Alexi Tjandra, Mold Research Center Manager / Indonesia Country Manager of YCM Products Co., Ltd

14.40 – 15.25


LiquiSonic® measuring systems in polymerization



Mr. Paustinus Gunarto and Mr. Ridwan Widjaja of PT Sabatani Global Solusindo


15.30 – 16.15

Safe Handling of Chemical Using PTFE / PFA Lined Systems

Mr. Stanley Cher, Regional & Marketing Manager of PT ALMARC Engineering Indonesia

16.20 – 17.05

How Agriculture Drones Revolutionize Agriculture and Plantation in Indonesia
Mr. Gordon Arifin Sinaga, Business Development of Smart Tech Solution International

11.00 – 11.45

Revolutionizing Agriculture with Precision and Intelligence

Mr. Krisna Wibowo, Technical Manager of PT. Kagara Global Sinergi

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13.00 – 13.45

Jing Wei Defoamer for Coating Application
Mr. Novara Rahmat of PT. Jing Wei New Technology Indonesia

13.50 – 14.35

Innovative Irrigation Management: Sentek’s Soil Moisture Sensors at Work
Mr. Bir Bikram Biswasray, Regional Manager – ASIA & LATAM of Sentek Technologies